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3 Designers Envision a far better Future

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3 Designers Envision a far better Future   After weeks of performing from home, mitigating our exposure to the surface world while navigating the ways we must still interact with it, and balancing our own hopes and fears for the longer term with challenging economic and industry forecasts, it’s important that we acknowledge how stressful life has suddenly become. But it’s even as crucial to imagine new ways of coping, and of the way our communities can transform struggling. Here, we continue our ongoing series of dispatches from the planning community with ideas of the way to conceptualize our present and envision a far better future.   Editor’s note: This story is that the sixth installment during a series of conversations with designers, industry leaders, and designers around the globe, examining how our community is staying connected, inspired, and proactive about solutions during the present pandemic.     We do just fine during this point. a couple of problems emerged early, but we figured them out together. Our original plan was to return to the office on February 3rd, but we had to postpone that date and work from home for nearly two months. We took measures to make a safer and more convenient working environment for everybody, and that we are now back within the office. None of our projects are canceled and that we are still performing on projects both with past collaborative partners and with new clients.   I know that a lot of people are following the “stay at home” order immediately in their respective countries, and I’ve been there before. I do know it’s going to seem interesting at first: you’ll just lie on the sofa and play mobile games all day. on the other hand, you begin to feel distraught enduring the seemingly endless boredom. albeit people are getting more hooked into cell phones or other digital devices, they still need somewhere to satisfy with friends, to enjoy dinner during a beautiful and stylish restaurant. The demand for experience and sharing attributes and, as architects, we’d like to deeply explore this concept.         Some of the platforms focused specifically on the planning industry in China have already made attempts to rework offline activities online, which may be a great way to develop opportunities for connecting people during such a time. except for those folks who run a studio, it’s our obligation to require care of our employees and partners. we will advertise preventive measures and confirm everyone realizes the severity. we’d like to be prepared for an extended campaign, because this is often a worldwide crisis, and every one folk should make efforts to urge through it together. Staying reception are often torturous, but it’s truly effective in terms of preventing the spread of the coronavirus within an outsized crowd. Stay safe and pray for every other. we’ll make it through.         I desire I’m emerging from a triage state. The Bay Area went on “shelter in place” once I had just gotten into the country. I used to be in Peru performing some research watching indigenous healing practices, as a part of the larger conversation about healing that I’ve been having in my work. To be immersed therein for every week then come to shelter in situ was a tough nut. It’s…interesting doing community-based works at a time once you can’t actually bring the community together!   Normally my projects involve creative placemaking, like taking a site that wont to be an influence plant and reworking it to profit the community. Obviously we can’t do this immediately, so how can we creatively redeploy the resources we’ve to be ready to serve the immediate need? Not getting into and saying, “Let’s be do-gooders,” but rather harnessing the partnerships we’ve been cultivating anyway, asking what’s the necessity immediately and the way can we best help? You can’t do a project within a community without first building relationships and trust within that group, in order that they understand you’re not there just transitionally, but to create a far better place which will help them have a more productive and thriving future. Beyond redeploying resources, I’ve been checking in with clients before stepping into the list of stuff I do know we’d like to try to to. Asking: How are you, how are your families, how are your communities? They’re even more on the bottom so it’s about remembering humanity.   Resumption isn’t going back to where we were before. We can’t forget what we went through this moment. There’s trauma associated with it. we’d like to ask the question: How can we answer this? A teaching program that I’m a part of canceled our big event for May. Normally, it’s focused on design justice and equity issues. Now we are using it to ask: What does that mean during this moment? The people that were already insecure are even more insecure. How can we shift that insecurity that’s heightened, but roll in the hay in a stimulating way. There are other fabrics of communities that are created the supported necessity. How can we harness that? In previous times it had been hard to elucidate, to those of privilege, the severe differences when everything in your life is uncertain and you’re having to scramble to urge the essential necessities. The universalities of a number of what’s happened during this crisis might make it easier to ask a number of those questions. Now, it’s not an unknown memory of what it wishes to feel uncertain or to desire your community has become fragmented by things that aren’t your responsibility or your fault.

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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. salah

    Nice Work continue
    Amaze us as usual

    1. mahmoudriad

      How can I help you, sir

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